Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Baby Time! :)

My Ross will be here any day now, and im ready to go now! I will be 39 wks Sunday and I can not wait! All i feel is him kicking me or pushin were I cant breathe and let me tell ya that's hard for a big girl like me losing some air.. Girl has got have some Oxygen!  No one tells u all the hard things and how u have to change the way you use to do things, like simple things! Like rolling over seems so easy when ur belly aint got a hog in it :) haha.. Either Corey has to help me roll over, and usually i just grab hiz arm (like a side bar in a bathroom)and pulls me, and he is so use to it now he really dont wake up or im outta air when i do this.Then there is the way u walk they call it the "waddle" well let me tell u why we waddle cause it feels like something is fallin out and walkin normal is outta the question when a head is pushin down on ur "stuff"! Then u got ur basic peeing every 5 secs, hands and feet tingling cause he is layin on ur nerves, feet swellings were no shoes fit me nemore, the hot and cold flashes, mood swings like crazy, and getting mad or crying for just no reason at all cause all of sudden ur sad cause he looked at me wrong. Being pregnant has been great til Now! I had my back pain the whole time, cause i cant take my reg meds for it so this took alot of gettin use to and im praying to god that those meds that i was on does not hurt him! But when u take Meds for ur back for 5 yrs on a daily base and cold turkey it, is really hard! im not talkin about pain pills just to state that i didnt take them, but i did have to when my knee died on me. that was the worst pain in the world. So i dealt wit this pain from my back this whole prego time and now the pain is where i need a pain pill and some jack and coke and nething else u can find cause im in pain every sec of the day with my pain level a 8 and it sucks ass when u cant take nething. But ne wayz I still dont have the house the way i want it so hopefully i can get mom or tracy to help this weekend. we still got all the wood work crap around and carpet crap and all of that will be gone tomorrow!

      So when I have my son (Pray he will be healthy) Corey gets a week off at work so he gets to stay with me and help out cause this will prolly be the hardest thing every with no sleep! I love my sleep more then nething and with newborns every 2-3 hrs of sleep is a good baby! I know how to raise a baby up to 8months then im lost haha.! I caught myself helping out richard today with his daughter, she is spoiled to the T and so pretty and funny oh she is a smart baby, 7mths old and says mamamamamama so cute when daddy dont do what she wants lol she knows what the NO means! So ive been teaching richard how to get her where she can play with herself and not cry wanting to be held, and ive been reading playin with there self with toys past 4 mths makes baby learn faster and u know the reg crap and its soothing for baby and not stressful when there always cryin. I already warned corey I WILL NOT HAVE A CRYING BABY WANTIN TO BE HELD 24/7, U can judge all u want but i know how it is when u sit them down in the swing, floor or nething and they wont stop crying no matter what and then u feel like a awful mother for lettin them cry so u go n pick up and then they stop and there goes that cooking or cleanin or watchin cartoons or just tryin to relax for 5mins. Thats not soothing for the baby,  puts so much stress i think on them, i want my son to learn how to play with toys and feel, touch, see colors, and texture and not have to be held every min of the day, ive been threw that! You cant do nething, u cant clean, cook, rest or nething unless he is sleeping. So I told Corey when Ross gets up to 4 mths or 5 and i start breakin him (which is the perfect time i already read about the right time and all the good ideas) then he can go outside or go to mommas if he cant handle cause it will be the hardest thing every, i mean unless u have had millions of kids maybe it gets better who knows. When i use to watch kids, mother taught me tricks for the screamin hold me stage. and my biggest fan was cassie, lol she will scream out u dont touch my baby he is fine! haha let him cry he is just sleepy no holdin ha love it.! she is a great mother!! I mean who would want someone always holdin there baby when they come over and then when they leave they sit him down and walk out the door then ur stuck with a cryin baby non stop that wants to be held and ur ready for a nerves break down.. My patient told him all kids of stuff to break them from it and tricks to do. She raised 4 kids! Thats alot of screamin and kickin and biting! So i pretty much know how a baby can change a person life its the can we handle it part that im worried about. but corey will be a great dad!

      So now we have almost finished Ross room. Mom is makin his curtains and molding has to be down and painted and then touch ups and it will be all done. but he wont be sleepin in there til he is clear from sids. I have such a wonderful bassinet that dana and tracy got me that will be right next to my bed and all i gotta do is roll over! no help from corey! HEHE  Oh hopefully these days will fly by.. just think in couple of days we will have our son! I thought really this day wuld never come i would never make it this far. lol i dunno but i didnt think it would have been this fast. well i am gonna shut up and go get ready cause my soon to be sister in law is in labor and  Makenna is fixin to make she big entrance in this world :) My computer is being gay well corey computer is and it wont let me adds pics on here.. STUPID THING!!!